Ok, a gigantic THANK YOU to Mike Allan at QX104 fm, who last week Thursday afternoon gave a review of a SUPER DUPER iPhone/Touch/Pad App. It's called Lose It! and it's my new, most favoritest App ever!
First, it takes your current weight, height, age, goal weight and length of time you want to take to lose that much weight, and then calculates the daily calorie limit you need to follow to lose that weight in that time!
Second, it has a HUGE catalogue of food (even food from some typical restaurants!) that you can enter into a daily log of what you eat so that it calculates your calories eaten for you!
Third, it will also take into account any exercise you add to your daily log to re-calculate the calorie budget, accounting for how many calories you burned that day!
Fourth, you can record your weight updates and it tracks the weightloss in a graph!
You have no idea how much time I've spent to calculate even some of this in an excel spreadsheet, and even then it was cumbersome to maneouver through, and I had to remember to open it and use it, which wasn't easy between home and work.
Then if that is not enough for you, you can also add on access to a free account at the Loseit.com website, which emails reminders, motivation, connects with other members, and more.
I am just SO pumped to have this, I really, really, really, am excited about using this App! I've already lost 3.5 lbs!!! Granted, that has to do with multiple tools I'm using (returning to goal making, motivation challenges I participate in, taking schedules breaks from certain foods, and working out for the first time in 6 months) but this App has really allowed me to put more time and energy into action rather than just planning for action.
Awesome! What a great tool. One day I hope to get an ipod or iphone to take advantage of those awesome apps ;)
Thou shalt not covet thy cousin's iphone. ;)
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