Here's my monthly collection of ordinary happenings and moments I don't want to forget.
~ early in the month I made homemade cream of mushroom soup, completely from scratch, and I must say I did really well! I think I'll start early and spend more time thickening it, I like thicker textured soups, but still I'm very impressed with myself :) And my side sandwich was a yummy invention, tuna with shredded spinach, chopped walnuts mixed in curry mayo with smoked gouda on rye. I'm getting pretty good at this healthy, yummy food thing!
~ a new girl from my CR Friday night group was struck by tragedy at Valentine's time when her mom died suddenly, however our Church did an amazing job of rallying around her! I took the opportunity to bring her some food, for her and the multitude of relatives she had staying with her, and I brought along a mutual friend. We were so blessed to have the chance to care for and support her in that way.
~ and it's tax time around these parts, we actually received all of our stuff early so we were already done them on the 18th. we got exactly enough back to have our shingles replaced this year! just waiting to book my BIL now!
~ on our stat holiday on the 20th we had a great day over at some friends of ours, the guys played video games while us ladies crafted together (my project was one of my 'Handmade Gifts 2012'). It was such an awesome time of creating and connecting, so much fun we've agreed we should make this a monthly date! :)
~ on the 21st it was Girl's night out with my sisters and mom for Jodi's birthday. Had a great night out at Sonny Beans in Steinbach, even though the highways just had one of the biggest dumps of snow all winter I made it there easily, on the way home the #12 was treacherous though! I wasn't able to visit the kidlings like I wanted because Jodi's country road would have hung up the Journey for sure, but I did get to see Teigon for a bit. Tami is climatizing him to the impending baby and said to Teigon, 'show Aunty Lori where mommy's baby is.' So he promptly lifts up his shirt and points to his bare belly. So cute. He is apparently a fan of baby pictures, but Tami holding other babies NOT so much :)
~ that was a 'baby week' because that Thursday my co-worker Cam's wife came by with their 17 day old son, who I got to hold a good while. Then that evening my friend Tanyss (also a co-worker) invited me over to see her not-so-little guy who was 13 days old and almost as many pounds! I was able to bring over a special present I made and some naan bread pizzas I made for her and her husband, which they were both so appreciative of.
~ I also made waffles for the very first time, made ahead some batter on our stat day off and then used for a lazy supper later in the week. I've been looking forward to waffles ever since I bought my grill/griddle! They were delicious and who knew so little batter could go such a long way, not only did I have enough for supper but 2 more suppers down the road as well.

~ my friend Kristi got engaged this week! 6 weeks almost to the day after their first date, a blind date no less! But her guy Steve is very cool, only met him twice but he's on fire for God and is switching to our Church...not just for her but because he hears God calling him there, even though that means leaving a Church he is passionate about and serves. I of course expected no less, she has very high, Godly standards. I'm so excited, I love weddings!
~ speaking of weddings, it was our 9th anniversary last Thursday, which we celebrated quietly because a) it's a Thursday, and b) the big celebration was planned for Sunday - Monday. But it was nice to have quiet time together, especially since we almost spent it apart due to a CR leaders meeting previously scheduled, but that got bumped thankfully.
~ I found out what my annual increase was last week and I am getting a 6% raise! I had my performance evaluation 2 weeks ago which went very well, but it's nice to get monetary confirmation as well :) They actually had a hard time coming up with any areas of improvement for me other than I need to be MORE utilized.
~ and it was testimony time again for me at Celebrate Recovery. We are now talking about the importance and healing of confessing/admitting our hurts, habits and hang-ups. I have gone through quite a few 'confessions/admissions' in the last 5 years, most of which went overwhelming well, they were a blessing and so healing. Some were not so good experiences, but hopefully they will learn from what I went through and still take this step for their own healing.
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