I'd love to jump in a ball pit, I loved the ball pit as a kid...and as an adult apparently.
My own lack of sleep didn't turn out so humourously. Definitely didn't start out humourously!
For those of you who didn't see on Facebook, Sean was bitten by our neighbor's dog on Wednesday after work. It is a bulldog/pit bull-ish looking thing, a rescue they got in November that only recently started acting like it was warming up to us, like their other big lovable dog who just begs to get attention from us. Sean decided he would let the dog smell him, stuck his hand over the fence and that's as far as he got cuz the dog lunged and bit his finger on his right hand (thank goodness he's left handed, although he's right handed at his computer at work).
The bleeding went down pretty fast but a few hours later there was an ugly bump that looked just nasty so we decided to go to the closest emergency room. We got their at 10:30 pm and didn't get into to a room until 5:20 am, and then the doctor wasn't done with his stitches until 6:10 am. Luckily he had his tetnus shot just in October, our doctor randomly asked us if we'd had updated shots, which we didn't know we needed, so we got them. The dog also had his shots, so with some stitches and antibiotics Sean's finger should be good as new soon, with a gnarly scar.

We called in sick and slept most of the day Thursday but then we had an appointment to have our main drain cleared, our water was backing up significantly, but our 5-7 pm appointment turned into finally calling in a different employee at 9:15 who only got to our place at 10:15 pm, but we didn't turn him away because we've been through this before, usually it's only about an hour, however the owners before us likely didn't have the roots cleared out recently and with our 3+ years here, he had to make 3 attempts to clean out the roots. So over 3 hours later he was done and we had 4.5 hours to sleep before we had to get up for work!
Fridays as usual we have a 7 am to 10:30 pm day away from home, then today I had Girl's Night, we'd planned for awhile now and there was no way I was missing out, but of course a Girl's Night never ends early, then take into account it was Daylight Savings and we lost an hour of sleep! I'm a bit of a zombie but that's ok, I'm going to go find me an all night ball pit! ;)
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