Monday - Turkey
Maple Country Turkey Sausage Burgers, sweet potatoe fries and Sensational But Simple Salad.
Tuesday - Beef
Beef Stew
Another quick meal for Tuesday, love the crockpot meals, throw everything in, turn it on, leave for work, come home and eat yumminess!
Wednesday - Pork
Cantonese BBQ Pork
One of our favorite 'chinese' food items is BBQ pork, going to make this with some fried brown rice, mixed with a fried egg, diced carrots, peas, and corn.
Tuesday - Chicken
Fantastic Chicken Amaretto
This has an amazing taste to it, the amaretto moistens the chicken deliciously! I'll be using the Potato & Asparagus Toss side dish again because it uses some of the same flavors, and it's easy and yummy :)
Friday - Seafood
Tuna & Bacon Pasta Fina
Tuna has never tasted SO good! I'll likely throw in a lot of brown mushrooms, and fry them up with it, they are a great complimentary taste to the bacon & parmesan.
Here is the host blog of Titus 2sdays, a great place for house-wifery and godly woman(wife)hood!

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