Monday - Chicken
Fabulous Fritos Cuban Cooking
This is one of my new favorites one dish meals, and I got a tip to make it (and all cooking/baking) healthier and tastier by using coconut oil, I can't wait to try it! I have some white wine I need to use up that I will sub for the vodka, and I have some asparagus I need to use up so I'll add that instead of carrots.
Tuesday - Turkey
Turkey, Bacon Pasta Salad With Lemon Basil Dressing
Tuesdays we need a quick meal as Sean runs off to his serve at his Church ministry early, so since the turkey is already pre-cooked, this is a fast and easy and yummy meal. I love pasta salads, especially one you can throw meat into and make it a one-disher. And, again, got some asparagus I need to use up.
Wednesday - Pork
Pepsi Pork Roast
Yes, I'm doing roast again, but I wanted to get the left overs for sandwiches later on in the plan. As my side dish for this roast I am also making Potato & Asparagus Toss, I'll be using more of the farmer's market baby red potatoes guessed it, asparagus to use up.
Thursday - Beef
I made the mini-meatloaves with BBQ sauce and cheddar stuffed in the middle. And of course, a great side for some good ol' meatloaf is some Slow-Baked Mac and Cheese.
Friday - Seafood
Mango Fiesta Shrimp
This one was a much modidfied recipe from my vodka recipe book, actually 2 recipes combined and then Lori-fied. I'm adding red peppers, roasted and/or pepper flakes, to almost everything these days! I love it
Yum, can't wait. It's funny how excited I get for my meals with this blog entry. It makes it even better that I know I've already pre-portioned them to meet my calorie allowance, and pre-prepared them so I know I don't have a lot of work to do after work every day. This plan is genius :) (if I do say so myself).
Here is the host blog of Titus 2sdays, a great place for house-wifery and godly woman(wife)hood!

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