It started when I was about 10-11 years old when two things happened. The first was, we moved to Manitoba and therefore closer to my extended family, including my grandma who was born on March 17th and who's favorite colour was green. My memory is a bit foggy, I don't even recall for sure if grandma really celebrated St. P's day even, but in my mind I've always connected her with it since then.
This is the first ring I picked out of her jewellry when she passed away (all us female children and grandchildren were able to pick our favorite pieces from her collection), because I remember her wearing it often and it reminded me of her birthday.
I try to wear this as often as I remember on St. P's day.
The next event that happened around that time was, since my dad had a new job in Manitoba he now had a conference every year that happened on St. P's day weekend and so me and my sisters were babysat my a young couple in our Church at the time, and he was Irish, like directly from Ireland just a few years before (and has moved his family back since). He and his wife would make us the most delightful green meal every year, green mashed potatoes, peas, green kool-aid, cupcakes with green icing, it was fantastic! It's been a tremendously fond memory, of both them and the fun celebration, that I've treasured since.
I've tried in my own way almost every year since then to make St.P's day a fun celebration. However, since my grandma passed away just before her 84th St. Patrick's day, the day has brought a twinge of sadness and I haven't made such a big deal of it since 2005. But last year, when it came and I completely forgot until I was teased about not wearing green I realized I didn't want to lose that celebratory feeling each March 17th, especially since now it should be a celebration of the life my grandma had. So, today I am rockin' the leprechaun look, wearing grandma's ring, and I bought some St.P's day goodies for my office, enjoying the old memories and making new ones :)
Wishing you all a little luck and lots of green fun today!

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