~ my littlest nephew turned ONE yesterday! happy birthday Teigon! Can't wait to celebrate it next weekend.
~ after another 4 hours in the yard this weekend I've still only got about 1/3 of the crabgrass and quackgrass HAND removed from our yard, and only about 1/4 of the dandelions, it's actually quite addicting! at least I was able to salvage 3 of the 5 hostas they had taken over. it would seem that all grass or plants along any wall of any structure on our yard are choked out by the 3 weeds, so I've been not only pulling all the weeds but most of the grass in those spots and we'll be putting brick over those spots when we redo our walk and add a patio. but I wanted to save the hostas which I hope to move to the front yard.
~ I went through all my Stamin' Up! supplies and decided on most of what I plan on selling, I hope to have an event near the end of June where I'll be selling them, no item more than $5. I'll likely update my creative blog with pictures around the sale time.
~ after sleeping in till noon on Saturday, and missing LOVE Winnipeg :( I think I might finally be mostly over my cold!
~ I think Ember is missing Muki even more than we are, she's been extremely sucky since he's been gone....awww, more cuddles for us :)
~ ate way too many donuts last week, first a trip to Timmies, then white powder sugar mini donuts....mmmmmm. good for the taste buds, not so good for the waist line. saw a quote from Kate Moss this week "Nothing tastes as good as skinny feels", I beg to differ ;)
~ I am back to waking up at 6 am starting today, get in that extra workout and Bible reading time! Even if I didn't see any physical results I just felt good when I was doing this pre-puppy.
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