Well, back in the day (1997) I was told I look like Molly Ringwald. Here's a comparison photo...personally, I don't see it.

I think I look more like fellow Winnipeger, Anna Paquin. Here's a comparison photo.

A lot closer match anyway.
*Thanks Pam for directing me to this site, http://www.myheritage.com/celebrity-face-recognition, where I have since learned these are the celebrities I look like:

Daisy Fuentes Tori Amos Katie Couric
And Anna Paquin was listed too, ha I was right!
I think you do have a resemblance to Anna Paquin....have you ever done that my celebrity lookalikes thing @myheritage.com?
not yet, but now I will : )
lol! I guess Katie Couric must be from the B side because she was on mine too!
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