What is his name? Sean
How long have you been together? Since February 19, 2001
How long did you date? Dated for 1.5 years then engaged for 6 months
How old is he? 27
Who eats more? Me, but only overall over the day because he rarely eats breakfast and almost never eats lunch, but at one sitting, he eats more.
Who said I love you first? I was trying to remember this the other day and I think I waited until he said it, but I'm not 100% sure
Who is taller? Sean
Who can sing better? Definitely Me
Who is smarter? Each of us has an edge in different areas, but I'd say we are about equal
Who does the laundry? That's Sean's job
Who pays the bills? Technically no one, every last one is direct withdrawl but I set them up that way.
Who sleeps on the right side? I do, since he wakes up easier and needs to be by the alarm on the left side so we get up
Who mows the lawn? Sean's job again
Who cooks dinner? That's my job
Who drives? If we're going somewhere together he drives most of the time, but I have the jeep for work everyday, so it's about equal
Who is more stubborn? I think this one is a tie again
Who asked out who first? I gave permission for someone to give Sean my number and then he called that night
Who proposed? Sean did
Who had more friends? I do, Sean's a little picky about his friends, he usually only has a few close ones
Who is more sensitive? Oh, most certainly I am
Who has more siblings? It's a tie, I have two sisters, he has two brothers
Who wears the pants? I think we share the pants.
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