Monday, October 17, 2011

Miscellany Monday

Miscellany Monday @ lowercase letters

~ well, I haven't done a 'catch up' Miscellany Monday for awhile again, like a whole month!

~ as I've said previously, September to mid-October is usually my busyest season, this year especially with my part-time volunteer job that takes about 8 hours weekly, 5 of which are on Fridays. this year we also decided to volunteer at the Global Leadership Summit that our Church hosts each year, which took most of our Sept.28-30th, but it was such an awesome experience! I'll have to have a full post in the near future to include even just some of the great insights I was blessed with being able to sit in each session. I was lucky enough to be our Pastor's gopher, so I had to be wherever he was, which was in every session :) it was SO amazing, anyone who has a chance should go. and of course, volunteering I met even more Riverwooders, it was great getting to know so many cool people.

~ our recovery program has just passed it's fourth week and I feel really good about our start, although we do hope to continue building, we're a fairly small group so far.  I'm thinking I'll be opening a blog and/or FB page for it soon, so stay tuned, I'll share that link with you when the time comes.

~ we had two Thanksgiving dinners, one at our place, one in Altona, both were super filling and great time with the to come.

~ we had a week off last week, a great time to just let our minds and bodies relax and rejuvenate, individually and as a couple:
~ as a couple, we enjoyed an elegant lunch at 529 Wellington, courtesy of a gift card from Muki's mom, our last thank you present (I hope!), but it was a real treat! we took a trip to the zoo, but everyone was really quiet, especially the sleeping tiger cubs we really wanted to see, they were too busy snuggled right into momma to see anything but a few stray paws sticking in the air. we went out for a game of pool, and while I am getting better, even my allowed flukes are no match for Sean. we shared some great conversation time, especially on our road trip to and from Altona.
~ individually, I caught up on some reading, played around with some new digital software on my phone, created a blurb book/scrapbook on our dating years, and made a nutrition/health stewardship plan for myself that I need to impliment and get back on track now that I'm not so busy.

~ caught up on some cleaning and Fly Lady tactics, plus some deep 'puppy removal' cleaning. kinda did 'spring cleaning', sorting and disgarding clothes, books, craft supplies, etc. that no longer need space in our home. I'm hoping to do more of that with my craft supplies so I can sell a bunch sometime this winter.

~ also started a financial course through our Church, Dave Ramsey's Financial Peace University.  not even a full week later I like some of the changes we're making fiscally and I look forward to 12 more weeks of great insights. it just started last week, and I think 9 spots were open, so anyone free on Wednesday nights (7-9 pm)who wants to join the course, just let me know and I'll see if I can get you in one of those last spots. there is a cost, but you receive his book, a workbook, audio CDs of the whole series, access to a bunch of online tools, and more.

~ oh, and now that we know that Mr. Muki won't be returning, we talked about a plan for a dog for us. like children, this is a responsible, well thought out process for us, so we're going to wait until Spring when we can take some vacation and have a snow-less backyard, and then we'll start looking for the specific dog we have in mind. we're open to the dog that wants to adopt us, we just have a few criteria to make this a life-long (puppy life that is) decision. and we have some friends who may just be puppy-shopping at the same time...this is going to be fun!

~so, that's been our last month, well some of the highlights anyway :)

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