Monday - Chicken
Yet another hectic week on the schedule, today is no exception, have some training on printing promotional material for Friday nights right after work, so going to need to be a quick one after I get home. Going to throw together some chicken tacos with this recipe Shredded Taco Chicken already made, frozen and now thawed, along with some brown rice left over from last week. Whipped up some homemade salsa Sunday night and good to go.
Tuesday - Turkey
Homemade Mac & Cheesy Broccoli Bake with turkey this time, for my Tuesday on which I'll actually have time for longer prep time. The turkey is pre-cooked and the pasta I cooked for all this week's meals Monday night, so still not all that labor intensive, giving me time to prep some other meals for this week ahead of time.
Wednesday - Beef
Quick and easy this night, with Easy Beef Strogonaff, for our now consistently busy Wednesday night for both of us, off and running to Church by 6 pm, so the pre-cooked ground beef and pre-cooked noodles get heated up in a pan with the rest of the ingredients, easy peasy.
Thursday - Pork
Tropical Mustard Glazed Pork Chops are on the menu for Thursday, my other night I actually have time to cook. The sauce has similar elements to the Potato & Asparagus Toss so having that as a side again, due to asparagus that needs to be used up...again. That asparagus is becoming a constant around here :)
Friday - Seafood
Last one dish of the meal of the week, I love recipes that meat, starch and veggies are all thrown into one :) We're both involved Friday nights now as well, so the Turkey, Bacon Pasta Salad With Lemon Basil Dressing is in order, but I'm switching the turkey for Tuna.
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