We sat next to a really nice couple, Joe and Shannon from Michigan. It was nice sharing a bond of being “Dekkies” not to be confused with Trekkies, but we also had lunch with them and had a great conversation about almost everything but Ted’s books. Of course, being a fan of Ted usually means being a fan of Jesus : ) which taps into another unspoken bond.
There were story tellers, the narrator who was Moses-like, two mid-evil-like, and many dancers. All very beautiful and intriguing. All drawing us in to the stories we know and some we don’t...yet!

Ted did a wonderful skit, revealing the “evolution of a story teller”, voices beginning in his head, creating characters that sometimes he becomes. It’s also become known as “Ted’s Schizophrenic Meltdown”, but it was funny, moving and insightful. It was performed solely by him, even all the voices of his characters we heard. Very awesome.


Although I had read many of his books, starting about 2005, it's pretty much been the books I've read this year that have really impacted me the deepest.
I came across Sinner in my Church bookstore just as the sermons started about Revelation, and it made the Great Deception so real for me, it made me so much more aware of the real purpose of life and not the typical things we focus so much on. Right after that I read the Slumber of Christianity (non-fiction), which is just the perspecitive I was needing after seeing the end times in a new light. I became so hungry for heaven! With the timing of my fasting and what I had been learning at Church, all of a sudden God was showing me my purpose so clearly, I was to be a crusader for truth, and give people a desire to get to the good stuff, heaven. I still wasn't sure how I was supposed to do that though.
Then came Boneman's Daughters, and it triggered in me the need to heal from my own Boneman situation, realizing that I couldn't help others until I had helped myself. This is where it sunk in, when he said stories are about discovering your own story, and how it ties into the greatest story. I had to start searching for my own resolution, and what God had in store for me, He alone would deal with my Boneman. I start counselling tomorrow!
And another piece of my life fell in to place when I heard him talk about discovery through stories. I have always loved writing but had somewhat given up on that dream because my stories never found a good ending. But I now know it's because I wrote to create an escape, to live in a fanciful life I wanted but didn't have. I was avoiding discovering the story I already was living, and that's where I had been going wrong. I didn't go to the Gathering to learn how to write as successfully as him (which it seemed quite a few other people did, from the questions that came from the Q&A), I came as a fan who has been touched deeply by one of God's story tellers (as many others at The Gathering also testified to), but I left knowing that writing was how God wanted me to show the truth. I know now I need to tell my own story about my Boneman. Of course, I'm going to be working on the healing first.
Anyway, that's just a small glimpse into my fantastic and revelationary time at The Gathering.
As you can tell, his stories can be life changing. I would encourage everyone to read Ted Dekker, he writes in just about every style, if you have a certain kind of book you like, let me know and I'll make a recommendation :) I'd really recommend the Circle series, they have a Narnia-esque essence to them, I think they are the next "Chronicles of Narnia" for our generation. There is a new book being added this September, a great opportunity to start reading the series. Here's a trailer.
There were story tellers, the narrator who was Moses-like, two mid-evil-like, and many dancers. All very beautiful and intriguing. All drawing us in to the stories we know and some we don’t...yet!

Ted did a wonderful skit, revealing the “evolution of a story teller”, voices beginning in his head, creating characters that sometimes he becomes. It’s also become known as “Ted’s Schizophrenic Meltdown”, but it was funny, moving and insightful. It was performed solely by him, even all the voices of his characters we heard. Very awesome.

Between publishers, Ted and story tellers we received glimpses into some future stories, some impending shortly, some we didn’t even know existed, and some not due for some time, given to us as a freebie!!
The part I enjoyed the most was the question and answer period with Ted Dekker. The line to ask was quite long and the questions all varied, from questions about where the stories are leading, to character development, to writing techniques/influences, and more. And the answers all led to one basic foundation. Every story is part of the greatest story, God’s story, and in order to be redeemed there has to be something to be redeemed from. Everyone has their own story and a story always has two sides, the story teller brings some and the reader brings the rest, no story is complete without both. A story is a journey of discovery, discovering yourself and your place in the greatest story. I was very enlightened and this was actually a surprising time of revelation I wasn’t expecting.
The part I enjoyed the most was the question and answer period with Ted Dekker. The line to ask was quite long and the questions all varied, from questions about where the stories are leading, to character development, to writing techniques/influences, and more. And the answers all led to one basic foundation. Every story is part of the greatest story, God’s story, and in order to be redeemed there has to be something to be redeemed from. Everyone has their own story and a story always has two sides, the story teller brings some and the reader brings the rest, no story is complete without both. A story is a journey of discovery, discovering yourself and your place in the greatest story. I was very enlightened and this was actually a surprising time of revelation I wasn’t expecting.

Although I had read many of his books, starting about 2005, it's pretty much been the books I've read this year that have really impacted me the deepest.
I came across Sinner in my Church bookstore just as the sermons started about Revelation, and it made the Great Deception so real for me, it made me so much more aware of the real purpose of life and not the typical things we focus so much on. Right after that I read the Slumber of Christianity (non-fiction), which is just the perspecitive I was needing after seeing the end times in a new light. I became so hungry for heaven! With the timing of my fasting and what I had been learning at Church, all of a sudden God was showing me my purpose so clearly, I was to be a crusader for truth, and give people a desire to get to the good stuff, heaven. I still wasn't sure how I was supposed to do that though.
Then came Boneman's Daughters, and it triggered in me the need to heal from my own Boneman situation, realizing that I couldn't help others until I had helped myself. This is where it sunk in, when he said stories are about discovering your own story, and how it ties into the greatest story. I had to start searching for my own resolution, and what God had in store for me, He alone would deal with my Boneman. I start counselling tomorrow!
And another piece of my life fell in to place when I heard him talk about discovery through stories. I have always loved writing but had somewhat given up on that dream because my stories never found a good ending. But I now know it's because I wrote to create an escape, to live in a fanciful life I wanted but didn't have. I was avoiding discovering the story I already was living, and that's where I had been going wrong. I didn't go to the Gathering to learn how to write as successfully as him (which it seemed quite a few other people did, from the questions that came from the Q&A), I came as a fan who has been touched deeply by one of God's story tellers (as many others at The Gathering also testified to), but I left knowing that writing was how God wanted me to show the truth. I know now I need to tell my own story about my Boneman. Of course, I'm going to be working on the healing first.
Anyway, that's just a small glimpse into my fantastic and revelationary time at The Gathering.
As you can tell, his stories can be life changing. I would encourage everyone to read Ted Dekker, he writes in just about every style, if you have a certain kind of book you like, let me know and I'll make a recommendation :) I'd really recommend the Circle series, they have a Narnia-esque essence to them, I think they are the next "Chronicles of Narnia" for our generation. There is a new book being added this September, a great opportunity to start reading the series. Here's a trailer.
If you get hooked and can't help but be a Dekkie, also known as Forest Guard (you'll know once you are one) you can go to the same sight where the trailer is and you can join the Forest Guard officially, and don't forget to let them know I'm the one who led you there (just enter in my email address seanlori@shaw.ca when asked Were you referred by a friend? :) I can win a chance to be a character in an upcoming book, or meet him in person for lunch in Texas if I get enough people hooked on him! It's not all that hard to do that, all you have to do is read the right books and he'll draw you in himself. Enjoy!
Thanks for sharing. Gonna have to take a look at this post again. Blessings dear one.
I have yet to read one of his books. Do you have a good one for me to start with?
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