Thursday, April 9, 2009

"Things you want your kids to know" Thursday

I want my children, my neices and nephew, all children to know, don't be in such a hurry to grow up, most adults yearn to have all the blessings you have. Carefree, playfulness, imagination, innocence, and optomism are just a few reasons, but I want the faith of a child. I want:

Unwaivering belief in the unseen!

Security in knowing I am loved & looked after!

A humble realization of my dependency!

Belief that I have am specially made for a purpose!

A desire to get ALL the answers from my Father!

To trust in (His) authority & obey unquestioningly!


tammi said...

YES! What a great thing it would be to pray for those first-thing every morning!!

Hmmmm... might have to copy this out and put it permanently in my prayer journal.

~L~ said...

I agree, so I printed them and placed it over my treadmill, where I pray the most. Good idea!

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