Well, I thought this was appropriate since we've been slowly pecking away at small renos recently, and most of them should be done this Saturday when the BIL comes over to help. Yay!
Some of this list is of course only if we stayed in this house, and we had the time and money to do so, but it's still nice to dream.
1o. Fix up the mudroom - drywall, linoleum flooring, add a door (all but drywall happening soon :)
9. Replace kitchen backsplash - right now it's the same boring material as our counter tops but only goes up half way, it's warping, and the paint job on the top half is bad, with brown water marks I can't seem to get off
8. Renovate kitchen cupboards - remove some cupboards for dishwasher, pullout drawers need to be fixed, add pantry (new pullout drawers and pantry going in this weekend!)
7. Paint the exterior of the house to match the garage (on the to do list)
6. Replace all doors in the house - some are missing parts of the frame, the door knobs hardly work (we've been trapped in our bedroom before), the paint is cracking and has marks all over it
5. Replace the carpeting, wherever the cats can access, with hardwood or linoleum
4. Renovate the bathroom - needs proper caulking, put in better shelves, and a nicer sink and mirror (we'll manage the caulking at least)
3. Landscaping - level out the yard, remove tree stumps, new stone pathways (house to front sidewalk, and house to garage), and some general prettying up
2. Add a cement pad next to the garage and create a car port
1. Add a master bedroom off the diningroom, with a half bath and walk-in closet - making our house a 3 bedroom, 1 1/2 bath, approx. 1300 sq. ft. home.
If that didn't cost more than just buying a new house, and if it wouldn't make living there during the renos unbearable, I'd do it. Sean still isn't sold on that idea though.