Monday, March 16, 2009

Love is not tolerance

This entry is somewhat tied into my last one about Unity. As much as we aren't able or asked to judge other believers, loving them is not the same as tolerating their version of truth. Even for unbelievers, loving them is not reeling them in with a watered down faith that is more tolerant of their world view. Over the last century the world has changed and the Church has changed with it in order to keep a following, but the 'faith' some have taught us to follow requires no faith at all, and is but an illusion of God. You can't hide the realities of our faith and expect these believers to hold fast to that faith when times get tough.

God promises tough times but rewards for finishing the race, this new 'faith' promises rewards on earth for just believing. God promises we can rely on His love when we can't rely on anything else, this new 'faith' promises we can rely on ourselves as long as we go to Church each week. God promises He will use the least severe means possible to bring the greatest number of people to Him without violating our free will, this new 'faith' promises peace and love by the world's standards. God promises to refine us by His fire, we are to be pure as gold, this new 'faith' says sin isn't a big deal, God loves us too much to not be merciful.

Another marriage analogy if you will. How would you expect a fiance to react to his bride's self-centered and apathetic view of their impending marriage? All she wants is romance and happiness and doesn't want to even hear of the possibility of tough times, never mind prepare for them. All she wants is to still be able to do things her way, she doesn't consider she is joined to another life that is affected and hurt by her choices/actions. All she wants is him to satisfy her defintion of love, but she doesn't have to satisfy his.

People who are drawn to the Church for that kind of watered down faith, for that kind of half-hearted commitment, are the bride who is not ready for marriage. Jesus doesn't want that kind of commitment and will not settle for a self-centered, apathetic bride. He's already given up his life for His bride, he's made the commitment, but He won't be coming for her until she's worthy.

So if you really want to share God with someone, be honest and tell them about the love AND the pain we are promised, tell them of our God who is both a lamb AND a lion, tell them of the peace we are promised AFTER Jesus returns. If they can't handle that, then they are not meant to follow God until they can. And remember, you can't bring anyone to God, it is up to God if your words change someone's heart, so at least make your words truthful and loving, not tolerant.


tammi said...

Awesome, awesome, AWESOME! That second paragraph says it PERFECTLY.

~L~ said...

thanks! God has so many things jumbling around my head it takes me awhile (and some inspiration from others) to finally get the words just right. Glad it struck a chord : )

Shanon said...

Great thoughts!!

Check out this book - it's amazing and I think you will like it! It's called 'Be Intolerant, because some things are just stupid'. I have read it like 3 times... :0)

Shanon said...

BTW, I love your new layout!

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