Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Absence makes the heart grow fonder

Well, I don't know if my absence has made you want to read my blog more or less but it has made me want to write more. Trouble is, life has a way of getting in the way of what we want.

Last Tuesday we had to put our cat, Princess, to sleep. She was only 8 1/2 years old, but she seemed suddenly very sick, so we brought her to the vet and they did some tests. She had lost a LOT of weight in recent days and her tests came back that her kidneys were in failure. He guessed it might be lymphoma because they were swollen when normally kidneys shutting down shrink, but there was no point in proving his theory because they said she was at a point of no return anyway, so we pretty much had no humane choice other than to put her down. Being so sudden, we were pretty emotional the first few days, and it's still hard but life goes on.

My kitty's absence in our home has really made us miss everything about having her, even the annoying things, like getting under our feet and making her funny 'meh' meow when we've been gone a long time. Or jumping in sinks to drink water, stepping on our heads at night to 'tuck us in', always having to sit on our laps when they are available, etc. She's the cat I've had the longest and has a very special place in our hearts, she is and will always be very missed.

And then, in the midst of that I've been preparing a presentation for my dad's retirement party that was yesterday evening, and so I was spending a lot of hours on that. It was worth it, he really loved the slide show I made, and so did everyone else, which I'm very happy about. My dad had exactly the kind of evening he wanted, I'm glad we were able to give him a very special evening he'll always remember.

AND, I've been on a media fast two days a week for all of January, because at my Church, January was prayer and fasting month, and I haven't really ever fasted before so I decided now was the time. It's been great, I look forward to doing it again, but media includes all things t.v. and internet related, and so all of that made for a lot of time blogging was not an option.

So, I hope to be back at the blogging again soon. I'd like to write a little about Barack Obama. Because of what happened last Tuesday I took the day off work and we ended up watching the Inaugeration, which was really quite interesting. It's neat being able to watch significant history like that as it happens, people 50 years from now ask, do you remember what you were doing when Barak Obama became president. Although, my memory of that day will be mixed emotions, nothing to do with him. Of course, work is getting really busy, OT may be in my future for February, but I hope to squeeze out a few blogs regardless. Thanks for still tuning in!


tammi said...

So sorry about your kitty. Losing a pet is always so hard. I'm glad she didn't suffer long.

Good for you, doing a "media fast." I've started beginning each week with a day of fasting and prayer and more and more, I'm thinking that fast needs to include at least the computer as well. I waste FAR too much time here ~ much more than I waste in front of the TV!

And I'm looking forward to more posts! I've certainly missed you!

Pamela said...

I've missed you too! What a great challenge to begin the year. I always look forward to your posts. Again, sorry for your loss.

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