Monday, November 12, 2012

Laughter is the best medicine

I heard a statistic the other day, that 'they' have been tracking this since at least the depression, which is how many minutes we spend a day laughing on average.

If I had to wager a guess, on average, I say I'd spend 15-30 minutes a day laughing, partly due to shows like Big Bang Theory and How I Met Your Mother.

Partly because I watch video clips from The Skit Guys.

Partly because I have co-workers with a pretty good sense of humor.

Some of my best friends will quote BBT with me over and over, and we laugh at the show again as well as our rendition.

My family, especially my mom and my sisters keep me in stitches at every gathering.

But I'd say the biggest reason is because my husband is a riot. He tries to make me laugh a lot. We just have a sense of humor that is in sync so we'll just look at each other in a situation and laugh because we know we're thinking the same thing. We enjoy being silly and not taking ourselves too seriously. We also quote BBT and Skit Guys tirelessly (but we never get tired of it).

The average amount of laughter in homes during the Great Depression and World War II was about 15 min. Today, sadly, it is 2 minutes. Wow! Hard to imagine that many people live with so little laughter. Makes me feel incredibly blessed!

1 comment:

tammi said...

WOW. For REAL?? Fifteen minutes daily during some of the toughest times this continent has ever seen, and only 2 minutes now, in our excess and luxury? I guess that's just one more piece of evidence that proves there's a directly proportional relationship between discontentment and wealth. How sad.

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