Three of my 'hot button' issues:
1. Abortion as birth control. Life begins at conception. An abortion doesn't make you un-pregnant, it just makes you the mother of a dead child.
2. So-called Tolerance. Intolerance of Christianity for 'it's intolerance'. Every pure religion has set standards, or intolerances, and it's hypocritical to be intolerant of just Christianity.
3. Date Rape. It really irks me that despite it being legally classified as rape, it is still accepted as normal and even encouraged for men to 'cajole' women into having sex. Especially when they use 'commitment' as bait because a very large percent of men surveyed say when they actually commit they chose/would choose women who are as close to virginal as possible.
Thursday, May 31, 2012
Tuesday, May 29, 2012
Thursday, May 24, 2012
Three Things Thursday
Three quotes that would best describe my philosophies.
1. "Science without religion is lame, religion without science is blind." Albert Einstein
2. "He's not a tame lion." "No... but he is good" The Lion, The Witch and The Wardrobe
3. "Do everything in LOVE" - 1 Corinthians 16:14
1. "Science without religion is lame, religion without science is blind." Albert Einstein
2. "He's not a tame lion." "No... but he is good" The Lion, The Witch and The Wardrobe
3. "Do everything in LOVE" - 1 Corinthians 16:14
Tuesday, May 22, 2012
Magnificent May Long
(back dated post)
I love long weekends but this one in particular was just magnificent!
Saturday was date day with hubby, out to see The Avengers –
awesome movie – and lunch, wandering around shopping and then an evening at
home watching Spider-Man marathon on t.v. with a little white wine and whiskey.
Sunday was another day of dates. First out for coffee to
catch up with one of our couple friends before we went to Church together, and
then a quick lunch with them and another friend after Church, since I was
bussing home with them anyway. ‘Bussing?’ you ask? That was because our tire
had a screw in it and was leaking air rapidly and so in order for us to be able
to hit the highway Monday Sean wanted it patched, which meant in order to get
it done before closing my hero had to ditch Church at 12 when they opened (and
already had 12 cars in line waiting with a predicted 2.5 hr wait), so I offered
to bus home so I could be ready for my next date of the day…..
Which was a nice, long walk with Pam. We walked and talked for almost 3
hrs, but it was my first long walk of the season so the hips weren’t quite
warmed up to that much cement walking, but the company and conversation were a
great distraction – as was the chocolate smoothie. Plus, I wanted to finally be
able to give her the belated birthday present I had made for her.
Monday was our yearly family date – our Christmas present to
ourselves is more time together - as well as our Mother’s Day celebration. We
headed out to Steinbach on our patched tire (yay! it didn’t need replacing!)
and hung out at the Mennonite Museum for the early afternoon. Most of us had
some Mennonite delights for lunch, then we wandered around, checking out the windmill,
the petting zoo, the old school, the candy shop, and a few other places.
Then we went home for some overdue naps, and while most of
the guys ditched us to get coffee, the rest of us had some dance-offs and
boxing matches courtesy of the Wii. I didn’t do too bad at dancing for my first
time but I lost horribly at boxing over and over again - my BIL and I are blaming it on the same avatar
we got stuck with. And after we were pooped and the guys came back we played ‘Catch
Phrase’ Mennonite style (boys against girls) and the girls whooped butt like
usual. Dad, as usual, provided the most
entertainment when it was his turn to get the guys to guess the word. I always leave these family gatherings with a
sore gut from all the laughing, and this time was no exception.
Kidling highlights – my niece thanking me, again, for the
bunny I gave her when she was born, 5.5 years ago! Littlest nephew will actually try to say my
name now, and Sean’s, and points to pictures identifying who we are :) cuddles with my oldest niece who is almost too big to lift up to hug!
Sunday, May 20, 2012
Right Now
I just got home from an awesome (almost 3 hr) walk and talk with my cuz Pam. Good times as always :)
Thursday, May 17, 2012
Three Things Thursday
Three favorite recipes I love to make.
1. Most of my stir-fry recipes but particularly I like making the recipes I've created myself, like my Mango Fiesta Shrimp.

2. I'm also a huge fan of just about any Italian dish, but again my fav that I invented is The Italian Job.

3. My main meat is turkey or chicken and I have many favorites but I think my concoction, Fabulous Fritos, that I created to use my Cuban Garlic Lime marinade has been my most successful recipe, especially now that I fry it all in coconut oil.

1. Most of my stir-fry recipes but particularly I like making the recipes I've created myself, like my Mango Fiesta Shrimp.

2. I'm also a huge fan of just about any Italian dish, but again my fav that I invented is The Italian Job.
Wednesday, May 16, 2012
Wellness Wednesday
Spiritual wellness that is.
"Instead of trying to grow spiritually, let the spirit flow through your life."
paraphrased from John Ortberg's 'The Me I Want To Be'
Monday, May 14, 2012
Monthly Miscellany Monday
Here's my monthly collection of ordinary happenings and moments I don't want to forget.
~ so it seems I'm doing this every month and a half now :) The last two weeks have been crazy busy, not even any lunch time to blog here and there, so now I have to think way back to the beginning of April to remember what I don't want to forget!
~ come to think of it the whole month of April has been crazy, we couldn't even schedule Easter with the family on Easter weekend, due to Church meetings, friend gatherings, my sister's work and my other sister being at a wedding, etc., so it got bumped a week, and by then it was close to mom's birthday so I brought her flowers and an ice cream cake to celebrate, in addition to all the chocolate we would eat.
~ at CR over the last month we've had some big challenges, mostly with leaders who just aren't working out and that's been hard, frustrating, exhausting, especially in a ministry like recovery where you know people are even more sensitive to rejection and boundary issues than most. on the plus side, our core team of leaders (4 of us) are going to their conference in California in August, so excited for that!
~ we took some staycation time the 3rd week of April and our first day off we picked up a new little addition to the family, Cinder - little sister to Ember.
~ during staycation I began 3 more collage paintings, I can't wait to finish and show you the 3 new lovely pieces I have in mind!
~ during my time off I also began some decor for my friend's wedding, a cute burlap pendant banner and a sign for her card table. Also coffee stained some coffee filters for some flowers we'll be creating with them. we've since hung out again to brainstorm some more lovely ideas, especially to use up the burlap, I got so much for so cheap at Rona :) her vintage shabby chic wedding is going to be so beautiful!
~ was also able to spend most of an afternoon in the yard prepping for garden season, here are my seeds popping up already!
~ as I've already mentioned my vacation time was capped off by an awesome retreat, a great time to learn from a lot of lovely ladies, and have a bit of fun too!
~ after my R&R time I came back to a crazy busy week at work but was FINALLY able to fit in (thanks to a co-worker who was looking for a 'buddy') going to give blood! For the first time ever! I've been wanting to do it since about 2007 but tattoos have interfered until Feb 2011, but since then I haven't been able to get to one near by or I've been sick when I can go. So I finally made it, and apparently I have been neglecting something I was made for, 4 nurses said I have 'wonderful veins' and I'm O+. AND, it wasn't nearly as bad as having blood taken at the doctor's office/clinic.....that experience for me has been one of the reasons I've been not so enthused about giving blood. But I didn't get queasy, it didn't hurt, I wasn't light-headed, I felt really good after actually :) Can't wait to go again!
Thursday, May 10, 2012
Three Things Thursday
Three things I would do if I won over a million dollars $$$$
1. Find my dream lot of land, near a stream, surrounded by lots of trees, but perfect for a little hobby farm, with an old farmhouse to renovate and a quaint barn.
2. I know this sounds bad, but those of you who know me know...I'd purchase children (in the legal sense :). Whether a petri dish baby or adoption or something, ANYTHING!
3. I'd generously spend lots of moula on my loved ones, my Church, the causes I'm passionate about, and then create a charitable organization I can run with hubby for the rest of our lives.
1. Find my dream lot of land, near a stream, surrounded by lots of trees, but perfect for a little hobby farm, with an old farmhouse to renovate and a quaint barn.
2. I know this sounds bad, but those of you who know me know...I'd purchase children (in the legal sense :). Whether a petri dish baby or adoption or something, ANYTHING!
3. I'd generously spend lots of moula on my loved ones, my Church, the causes I'm passionate about, and then create a charitable organization I can run with hubby for the rest of our lives.
Wednesday, May 9, 2012
This is my 500th post!
I hit 500 in just under 5 years.
I have 17, 166 views!!
This is where they are from.
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I have received 326 lovely comments from you!
It sure would be nice to get to know some of my 'viewers', I would love it if you would "Follow Me" and/or leave a comment to let me know why you like reading my blog. I have cyber-met some lovely ladies through my blog, I'd love to 'meet' you!
Sunday, May 6, 2012
Best Things In Life
Getting away!
Getting away some place beautiful!
Getting away for a weekend with some of my best lady friends!
Getting away with a bunch of new and old, lovely lady friends!
Getting away to where you are spoiled!
Getting away to where the spirit can move, where the truth can be internalized.
Riverwood Retreat at Cedarwood - April 27-29th, 2012
Getting away some place beautiful!
Getting away for a weekend with some of my best lady friends!
Getting away with a bunch of new and old, lovely lady friends!
Getting away to where you are spoiled!
Getting away to where the spirit can move, where the truth can be internalized.
Riverwood Retreat at Cedarwood - April 27-29th, 2012
Thursday, May 3, 2012
Three Things Thursday
Three things that creep/gross me out!
1. Spiders! Well they top the list of many bugs that creep me out, but especially spiders, and especially sac spiders, EW.
2. Cutting (surgery/amputation) on people who are not under anesthetics. blech! Even hearing about it makes me shudder.
3. Eating Fear Factor style, like sea cucumbers, prairie oysters, etc. Even eating raw eggs will make me gag.
1. Spiders! Well they top the list of many bugs that creep me out, but especially spiders, and especially sac spiders, EW.
2. Cutting (surgery/amputation) on people who are not under anesthetics. blech! Even hearing about it makes me shudder.
3. Eating Fear Factor style, like sea cucumbers, prairie oysters, etc. Even eating raw eggs will make me gag.
Wednesday, May 2, 2012
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