With promises of time with nieces and nephews, much missed cousins, and nature, and camping (Braun style that is), and a lake, and camp fires, it was impossible to turn down the opportunity to drive to Shell Lake (near Prince Albert, Sask) with most of my immediate family to meet most of my mom's side of the family. Here are some highlights of my wonderful week of vacation!

loved being out in the thick of nature, the beauty, the truly outdoor smell, most of the little creatures.....most of which I didn't get a chance to capture unfortunately

the lake and beach, sure brings back camp memories! the only thing disappointing was the boat wasn't working, no tubing :(
the kids had a blast, it was hard to tear them away! the floating dock was a really fun reprieve from the cold water.

time spent with my cutie pies!
Fun stuff not captured on film....throwing powder in the fire that made it glow bright green and blue, smores!!, me and my sisters enjoying a blue raspberry dipped icecream cone, playing all sorts of board games - Scattegories was probably the funniest time playing ever!!, highlighting Tami's hair (we did a pretty good job!), lots of good food, soaking in the sun on the beach - at least for a brief time, learning a few chords on the guitar thanks to Kellin, and far too many fun/funny moments with the kids to even list, but I did put a note on Facebook to document some of our conversations, along with many more pics, but not quite all 550 that I took!
I wish I had a bit more sunny skies, and therefore more of a tan to show for my camping week, but the clouds not only blocked my rays but the stars and any northern lights that may have shone down on us as well. But of course everything else already listed above MORE than made up for the few things I was looking forward to that didn't happen. Maybe next time, cuz there HAS to be a next time! That was just too much fun not to do it again :)
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