So, busyness got the best of me again and I wasn't very intentional about my health last week.
I started off not too bad with food, but then we had date night on Friday which always means my calories are usually a little higher that day (on the max side of my allowance), which isn't too bad when it's the only night of the week like that. Sounds like there is a 'but' in there, doesn't it? That's because there is. The rest of the week I managed to keep my calories within my range, but I was filling up on garbage.
Saturday, well Saturday was very bad. I went to a Habitat for Humanity build with my co-workers and I didn't have breakfast at home because they were serving one, but my bus didn't show up at the stop and so I had to wait for the next one, got there late, had to eat whatever was left and eat it fast. So breakfast was an apple and cookies. Then we had a family reunion on Sean's side at Assinaboine park at noon, and we didn't know it was a bring your own food event. We were invited to partake in someone else's food, because I was starving (for various reasons we were pretty late, only got there around 1:15), but I didn't want to pig out on their food and only ate a little. Considering my real lack of calories so far that day I DID splurge and eat a small piece of birthday cake. Well, by the time we left there and got some errands done, it was late and I was even hungrier. We stopped at Starbucks like usual and part of our 'date night' ritual, no matter the date, is to end it with dessert at Starbucks (which we didn't do Friday), so I had a SECOND piece of cake on Saturday! I know, very bad, but I was starving, and it was our date...excuses, excuses, I know.
You'd think after that I would have behaved, but that just got the ball rolling, I've been drinking the left over pop in our fridge and eating left over cookies I baked for our movers every day! But like I said, I didn't go over my calories, I just used up my calories on crap.
However, I must have been doing something right, because this morning (I've made Live Well Wednesdays my new weigh in day) I had lost 2 lbs since I last weighed the Monday before we moved!!! I know I've been very active in the last few weeks, first moving and then spending a lot of time unpacking, moving stuff around, going up and down our stairs a lot because I haven't really got the hang of what's upstairs and what's downstairs yet. Then there was the HH build, and using our exercise equipment at home, in ADDITION to my normal gym days. But I was dreading the weigh in this morning and so I was ecstatic!
I wonder why it is I can feel like I'm doing everything right and gain weight, and then feel like I've been severely slacking and lose weight. God's mercy, that's how!
Sometimes we lose in spite of what we ate. I think it takes a week for it to catch up sometimes. Your attitude and honesty is refreshing.
I heard a good idea last week.
Eat a Rainbow. (5 servings of fruit and/or veggies of various colors and see how many colors you can eat in one day.)
Peace and love,
Woo Hoo, you go girl.
Yay, that's so awesome, Lori!! You're doing so well!
I notice I have weeks like that too, where even though I'm staying within my points, I'm using them up with stupid things. And then I'm starving all the time because of it. Which makes self-discipline so much harder.
Next week, I'll be back in the saddle and meticulously counting points, getting my activity points, planning meals, and weighing in on Wednesdays. I kinda wanted to take a break from all the "obligatory" blog stuff (like weekly and monthly carnivals) for a while, but once school starts and we're forced back into a routine again (thank goodness!!), I'll start back up again, too.
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