1. I'm really good at photoshop, manipulating photos with digital effects or cropping, or coloring, etc. This is one of my favorites, the mermaid effect.

3. I'm really good at being an aunty. I love spending time with my neices, not just so I can get hugs and kisses and 'I love you's', but I love entering their world and seeing things through their eyes. I love being witness and contributor to their development. I love making sure they know they are loved, and I think the smiles that light up their adorable faces when they see me is all the confirmation I need that I am succeeding.

4. I'm really good at my job. Being an office adminstrator utilizes a lot of my talents, such as; being organized and systematic, detail-oriented, adept at finances and accounting, adept at written communication, proficient with computers, Excel, Word, Power Point, etc., and my driving need to be efficient and helpful.
5. I am really good at researching things. Any time a decision needs to be made I research options with one of my best friends, Google. Whether it be vehicles, vacuums, herbal supplements, checking if the email warning/petition is true, looking into whether Oprah's latest book is new age, etc. If you need to know something, I can find the info!
6. I am really good at making greeting cards. Cards are probably my most successful creative endeavor, and there have been a lot. I've even been offered money to make cards for people which is a really big compliment to me. I recently donated a set of 30 cards to a charity auction, and since she asked for an artist's bio and business cards I decided to set up this website in case there are any interested potential customers, laboroflovely.blogspot.com.

7. I am really good at making lists. Ha, maybe that's why I like this Top 10 meme, lol. I make lists for everything! I have to have a 'To Do' list at work and at home, otherwise I forget what needs to be done. Those are my big lists but I also have; a list of things to do before we sell our house, a list of books I want to read, a list of things I'm saving up to buy, my 101 list, my bucket list and paper in my car in case I have something to add to any list or to create a new list when I'm on the go.
8. I am really good at multi-tasking (as long as I have a list). I usually have about 2-5 things on the go at work so that when one is on hold for some reason or another (which is usually the case) I can then work on something else, making the most of my time. I tend to prefer doing things while watching t.v. as well, so that my time isn't completely wasted.
9. I budget our money very well. I have a rigid budget that I must have balanced to the dollar, where all non-negotiable expenses come out first and then with what's left Sean and I have an 'allowance' and the rest is put towards family events/gifts and debt. We managed to pay off our garage completely in less than a year!
10. I am really good at giving compliments. I try to be really encouraging and supportive to the people in my life and I find that easiest by recognizing their strengths. I am a pretty positive person and I tend to see the positive in people first and foremost so I can't help but admire the strengths that I see in them, which, also being a verbal person, means it usually comes out in a compliment sooner than later.