Thursday, August 5, 2010

Fruits of the Lori

Health. This month I have been trying to add new exercises to switch things up and keep things interesting, which has worked for the most part, although I'm going to keep that up so that in a few weeks I'm not bored of this new stuff :) As for food, I've been doing much better until my birthday weeks that is. Yes, my birthday weeks, as it starts with some people the week before, then there is my celebration with hubby, celebration with family, and then a few people who weren't able to celebrate until the week after. Talk about SELF-indulgence, haha. More on self-discipline to come.

Self Discovery. I've been concentrating on being grateful for what I have and making the most of what I have ever since my pity party. I can't help but see, when I take a moment to look at other people's lives (not even 'third world countries' lives, I mean the lives of some friends and family), how I am blessed on so many levels. I have the love of my life, to share life with. I have a husband who shares the priorities that are the most important to me. I have a job and co-workers I love and the benefits are just gravy. I have really great family and friends who are so supportive. I have the ability to take care of our needs and wants and be generous while still being financially responsible. I have a great Church and I'm so excited for the opportunity I will have to use my gifts there. I'm one lucky lady no matter how I look at it.

Self Discipline. The difference between busyness and laziness is that I can justify my lack of self-discipline when it comes to food and exercise if I'm busy. I've been really great on the days I have a lot of time but not so much on the busy days. Hopefully that will dissapate now that my birthday celebrations are over, and I'm not trying to fit in as much as possible into my schedule. I've decided to step up the motivation though and not rely soley on SD. It worked when I first started so I'm going to reward myself with money again, $1 per day per goal and I can't spend the money on food! It was a great way to save up to buy new clothes when I hit a new size...double motivation!

Consideration. I've been reading a book lately about relationships, it's actually part of a course I'll be a volunteer facilitator with through Church, and it really helps me see people in a new light and encourage them in a new way, but it's also helped me be more considerate towards their struggles. Especially a few people who have been particularily negative and/or a bit of an emotional burden consistently. It's really renewed my love for them as fellow humans, many who are hurting more than me, who have human coping mechanisms and I find myself being considerate to serve them instead of just to be a 'good' friend.

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