Well, yesterday was the last day of 1001 since I laid out my list of 101 (and then 110) items I wanted to accomplish. Here are the final results:
Out of 110 to dos ~ 72 Completed ~16 In Progress/Almost Completed ~ 22 No Can Dos/Didn’t Do – 6 of which because we moved houses
House & Home1. Finish curtains for living room on MIL's sewing machine - just bought new ones to stay with house, 2008
2. Buy new curtains for dining room - bought new ones, 2008
3. Find a better shoe shelf, to keep shoes off the floor – built in shoe rack at new house, 2008
4. Replace old light fixtures with same as ones already replaced - done by BIL!, 2008
5. Buy new couch and love seat, something smaller and cat hair resistant – bought new love seat, recliner and couch, chocolate brown microsuede, 2008
6. Buy a new coffee table with drawers and cubby holes to hide junk in – found a storage ottoman, can be a seat, foot stool, or the lid flips into a tray, and there is storage inside, 2008
7. Have or share a garage sale - block garage sale May 10/08
8. Continue working on growing grass in back yard - grass has fully grown in, 2008
9. Re-do sidewalk to garage - didn't get done at old house, planning for new house
10. Add step for garage entrance - didn't get done because of moving
11. Replace bedroom doors with doors with vents - didn't get done because of moving
12. Back up and reformat computer – done, new laptop 2009
13. Have Dutch Elm Diseased trees removed - all removed 2008
14. Childproof the house for babysitting – done, 2008, new house and furniture much more kid friendly, managed two occasions of babysitting with no incidents in 2009
15. - door blocking mudroom (with cat door) - didn't get done because of moving
16. - reorganize shelves close to the ground - done, 2008
17. Rebuild mudroom, with drywall and linoleum, and depending on money, a more energy efficient furnace and water tank (if we don't move first : ) - settled for replacing flooring because we're going to sell and move, BIL laid down plywood and we laid peel and stick tiles, 2008
18. Match siding on house to garage (if we don't move first) - done, been painted to match garage, 2008
19. Make a timeline for moving into a bigger house, if not actually move - house sold as of June 25th, 2008 and new house bought as of June 26th, 2008, moved in as of August 16th, 2008
20. Replace locks for the house/fix the front & back screen doors - didn’t end up needing to replace them, just fixed them, 2008
21. Replace broken drawers/cupboards in counter - BIL finished fixing, 2008
22. Make one BBQ usable - didn’t get done, decided we'll put in a BBQ pit with backyard improvements at new house
23. Clean off the deck and patio set, and protect from fall/winter weather – done and kept up every year since 2007
24. Scan negatives, as well as family members negatives – bought scanner but didn’t get started25. Go through clothes and make a pile to give to charity – done several times since 2007
26. Finish going through still packed items for 'keep' and 'garage sale' piles – done, had garage sale May 2008
27. Organize craft supplies so I can find what I am looking for – added back to list in new house, about 75% done craft room28. De-clutter shelves in living room, less décor, better storage – done, new house 2008
29. Burn back up DVDs of computer in more organized fashion – backed up on flash drives, 2009
30. Finish on the job training – done, 2007
31. Take at least one Golder U course per year - 2- 07/08, 2 - 08/09, 0-09/10, avg 1.33 per year
32. Re-organize office library – done, 2009
33. Organize server room – done, 2008
34. Create a birthday list and start birthday celebrations - done
35. Create a better manual for my job responsibilities – finished for new admin hire, 2008
36. Aim to use less than 5 days of sick time per year - 07/08 =6.5/5 days, 08/09 = 4/5, 09/10 = 5/5
37. Renew passports - renewed in April for Sean's trip to Vegas and our trip to Nashville, 2009
38. Driving vacation through Saskatchewan & Alberta, Edmonton, Calgary,and Rockies – will get as far as Prince Albert, Sask. in August 2010
39. Attend a Big & Rich concert – on January 21st, 2008
40. Attend as many Paul Brandt concerts as we can – on November 19th, 2007
41. A long weekend with Sean in a major US city - went to Nashville for more than long weekend, June 5-11th, 200942. A long weekend with Sean at a cabin –didn’t get done
43. Go to a State or Province we've both never been before – went to Nashville 2009
44. Go horseback riding with Sean –didn’t get done
45. Girls only road trip/shopping trip–didn’t get done
46. Collect DVDs of favorite movies and t.v. shows –PVR instead, records shows to watch at our leisure instead of favourite shows becoming a leash, my ultimate goal, I'm technically done, 2008
47. Eat at Confusion Corner Grill, on the building top patio, April 2010
48. Eat at Café Inferno – ate there for my birthday, July 2008
49. Eat at the Tavern, on the building top patio–didn’t get done
50. Have a BBQ in our back yard with at least 2 other people over – don’t have useable BBQ
51. Plan an amazing 5 year anniversary date! – had a wonderful 24 hours at the Inn at the Forks, in the Riverstone room, fireplace, waterfall, jacuzzi, bathroom as big as our bedroom!
52. A romantic stay somewhere in the mountains with a hot spring – didn’t get done
53. Once a month, not including date night, do something as a couple that will allow us to carry on a long conversation – did this all but a few months in 2008.
54. Continue dedicating each July to the Honoring Husband Challenge – did my third July of this challenge and it still is continuing to teach me more about being a great wife. 3/3 July's done.55. Go out for a one-on-one coffee/dinner/hangout with at least 6 family members each year – 15/16, so close!56. Organize a day of scrapbooking for the females in the Braun family – didn’t get done
57. Have a WOG friends get together - have hung out with 2 old WOG friend couples seperately, planning a get together with 3rd couple in May 2010
58. Have an ECC friends get together – only got to hang out with one friend December 2009
59. Go out for a coffee/dinner with at least one friend each month – 25/32
60. Babysit my neices or nephew - babysat Landon once overnight February 2009, and Brooklynn and Landon together overnight May 2009
61. Organize a 'paper crafting' club that will meet every other month - have a Stampin' Up! Card club in Steinbach meeting every other month
62. Become a mom (even though this one is a little out of my control) – went through so many Dr.s, kinds of tests, diet changes, health improvements, with no results.
Spiritual63. Join a small group/Bible study – attended a Connecting Course at Church, didn’t get matched with a small group yet, Jan/Feb 2010
64. Copy sermon notes from Church into my notebook - done
65. Make entries in a prayer journal at least once a week, including a weekly list of people to pray for – a sermon on prayer has changed my perspective on this and I am still journaling but without time constraints.66. Post scripture around me to remind me of important verses to me – still making a list of important scripture, not done yet
67. Make a song book (just lyrics) of my favorite worship songs – still compiling lyrics
68. Read the whole Bible – 20/66 books, currently reading 5 books, started new reading plan, on track to finish by end of 2010
69. Find and implement ways to reduce allergies (and therefore snoring) – have noticed an improvement, don't have anything to attribute it to
70. Follow 1200 calories per day meal plan (snacks incl) until I lose 30 lbs - re-adjusted to range of 1100-1700 calories, but trying not to exceed 1450 calories per day. Have lost 25 lbs
71. 30-60 minutes of walking & orbitrek each 3 times a week until I lose 40 lbs - working out 90-150 min. per week72. 30-60 minute bike ride once a week until I lose 30 lbs - part of above exercise plan
73. After reaching goal weight, maintain weight with 5 hrs weekly exercise and healthy meals – didn’t reach goal weight74. Drink 8 cups of water a day – been doing really well at this, averaged 1.5 litres a day
75. No more than 250 ml of a sugary drink per week (pop, Starbucks, slurpees) – on track
76. Start taking vitamins again – daily multi-vitamin, plus Omega 3-6-9 and vitamin C too
77. Get into the WPG Sleep Clinic – 2-5 year waiting list so will be talked to the specialist (#69) instead.
78. Start regular massage therapy – bookings are a regular
Purchases to make79. My second tattoo – done February 13, 2010
80. New cell phones and new cell phone plan - Sean gets a free phone through work now, I got a new Razr phone through new provider, 2007
81. Manicure & pedicure - got both 2008, pedicure again in 2009
82. Get fitted properly for a bra and then purchase some in correct size - I know my proper size now and have well fitted bras, 2008
83. At least 2 new casual-dressy tops for each season - did a mini-shopping trip because all clothes way too big, 2008 and 2009
84. At least 2 new casual-dressy bottoms for each season - did a mini-shopping trip because all clothes way too big, 2008 and 2009
85. Buy a new two piece swimsuit - got a new suit because the other one was falling off me, couldn't go swimming like that, 2009
86. Cheap/small digital camera for events I can't bring the big camera too – bought 200887. New video camera - using one on second camera, does decent videos for now
88. Upgrade computer to be able to upload and edit videos – have ability on new laptop, haven’t tried out software yet89. Stampin Spot ink pads from Stampin Up! – done thanks to my turn to host
90. At least 10 stamp sets from Stampin Up! - thanks to it being my turn to host, I now have more than 10!
Hobbies/Crafts91. Finish wedding album by our 5th year anniversary – 7/19 pages, didn't finish
92. Make a scrapbook for Brooklynn & Avery's first years - journaling my memories of them, didn’t start scrapbooks
93. Finish the Braun Family Wedding Album I started – didn’t make progress
94. Finish one digital design kit/month – decided to quit making these
95. Make at least 100 cards for at least 10 different occasions, to have ready on hand for each year's events – created 79/100 but didn’t make for 10 different occasions
96. Take different photos to test out camera capabilities in different modes – didn’t make progress
97. Read about one book/month – read 18/32, just a little over half
98. Finish the poems I have started but left incomplete – done, 2009
99. Make at least two journal entries per week, on blog or on paper - 284/284, done December 2009
100. Finish the memories book mom asked me to make her – turned this into a blog, which is much easier and adds to my journal entries each week!101. On day 1001 post a new 101/1001 list – won’t be posting exactly on day 1001…new list to come soon though
102. Have the house reinsulated - didn't get done because of moving
103. Buy plastic garbage bin to alleviate cat in garbage worries – we bought one for the new house, 2008
104. Try ethnic foods I haven’t tried before; Japanese, Caribbean, French – tried all three, Japanese at Shogun, French at Inferno's Bistro, and Caribbean at the Forks.
105. Make guest room into craft room also – done at old house, new house has both craft and guest room, 2008
106. Get a computer armoire to hide computer in dining room – done, 2007
107. Buy new Tupperware, especially collapsible kind to save room in kitchen cupboards – done, 2008-2010
108. Buy kitchen organizing tools (racks, dividers, etc.) – done, 2008
109. Buy a smaller oven – didn't get done because of moving
110. Buy a portable island cupboard to replace microwave cart (for more counter space) - cancelled, had BIL build a pantry instead for more storage, and microwave cart would give more counter space we wanted, 2008.